How to Build a Debug Version of the Erlang VM

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Last week I needed a debug build of BEAM (the Erlang VM). I decided to write this blog post detailing how to go about building it because I found the process to be cumbersome and the documentation detailing how to do it rather sparse. There is a section in the Erlang documentation that discusses how to build a debug-enabled Erlang runtime, but I found the procedures I will discuss in this post to be more straightforward. Hopefully my experience can help others who may venture down this path, but if nothing else it will serve as a useful reminder for myself the next time I need to do it.

Before starting I should note that all of the following steps have been performed on my MBP running OSX Lion and using Erlang R15B.

To start things off you’ll need to have the Erlang source. Grab the latest version from here if you do not already have it. You may want to move the source tarball into an erlang sub-directory somewhere to keep everything organized.

Next let’s build normally. We will specify the installation destination as a local debug-labeled directory using the --prefix option to the Erlang/OTP configure script, but we will not install until after taking some extra steps to build debug versions of BEAM. One important thing to note is that I have disabled HiPE because I found it to cause build failures when building the debug versions.

The following is a bash script that can be run to accomplish this first step. To run it, save the script to the local directory where you have the erlang source tarball, make it executable, and run it. The script expects an argument that specifies the version of Erlang to build. e.g. If you saved the script as, you would run the following: R15B.

#! /bin/bash

OTPVERUC:=$(echo $1 || if=- conv=ucase)
OTPVERLC:=$(echo $1 || if=- conv=lcase)

## Build 64-bit OSX
tar xfz $TARBALL
mv otp_src_$OTPVERUC{,-64}
( cd otp_src_$OTPVERUC-64 \
    && ./configure --enable-debug --enable-threads --enable-kernel-poll \
    --enable-smp-support --enable-darwin-64bit --enable-lock-checking=no --disable-hipe \
    --prefix=/Users/kelly/erlang/$OTPVERLC-debug-64 \
    && make )

## Build 64-bit version

Once the normal build has successfully completed, it’s time to do the debug build. cd to the unpacked erlang source directory (otp_src_R15B-64 if using the script from above). The next step is to export a three environment variables in your shell. The first is ERL_TOP which serves as a reference for many of the build files and scripts. Next is the FLAVOR and the options are either plain or smp. Finally TYPE should be set to debug.

export ERL_TOP=`pwd`
export FLAVOR=smp
export TYPE=debug

Now type make and hit enter and wait. Once the build is complete, there should be a beam.debug.smp file in addition to the normal beam.smp (assuming you set the FLAVOR as smp). To build the other flavor, just change the value of FLAVOR and run make again.

The final step is to install everything. Do this by typing make install and once it completes Erlang/OTP will be installed in R15B-debug-64 including debug-enabled builds of BEAM.

Of course a simplified approach would just be to script all of these steps, so here is the previous build script augmented to also build both flavors of the debug vm and then install everything.

#! /bin/bash

OTPVERUC:=$(echo $1 || if=- conv=ucase)
OTPVERLC:=$(echo $1 || if=- conv=lcase)

## Build 64-bit OSX
tar xfz $TARBALL
mv otp_src_$OTPVERUC{,-64}
( cd otp_src_$OTPVERUC-64 \
    && ./configure --enable-debug --enable-threads --enable-kernel-poll \
    --enable-smp-support --enable-darwin-64bit --disable-hipe \
    --prefix=$LOCAL_DIR/$OTPVERLC-debug-64 \
    && make \
    && make install \
    && export TYPE=debug; export FLAVOR=plain; make \
    && FLAVOR=smp; make \
    && make install )

## Build 64-bit version

That’s all there is to it. In the next post I will cover how configure Riak to run using the debug-enabled version of Erlang. Until then, happy coding.